Friday, August 21, 2009

Please remove me from this list I don't care!

Today like every normal days, i will start my work with my email..Yup, emails to ignore, emails to follow up, emails to give more works..Hmm..But something really got me today..
My boss sent us a very humble email notification that he will be going off for a holiday, and will not in for a week..well it includes all the main contact that will replace him during his absence. Of course, he will also cc the email to all our clients and business partner. But, despite of all the emails from clients wishing him a very good holidays, ONE email capture my attention, which read :

Please remove me from this list I don't care!

Information Systems Officer
American Embassy Kuala Lumpur

Hmmm...............This really a very rude email, and i cant imagine how this person is..Professional? Hummm..not in the list...Oh and not to mention that he is only an OFFICER..


vicy said...

Blog Walking here..Have a blessed weekend

TataJane said...

Hi Vicy, thanks for dropping by! Have a nice day!

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