Saturday, August 8, 2009

H1N1 Getting worst in malaysia..

To all of you dearest people, as we all can see, H1N1 getting worst in Malaysia.

Please be extra careful. Please avoid crowded places and frequently wash your hands. The virus can stay in the surface and air up until 8 hours!! Thats the main reason why we dont go in crowded places, cuz we dont know the health status of everyone there..

Imagine if this person cough and spread all the virus in the air..And it stays there for 8 hours...Hmmm..

Please don't take it simple people, when you saw the victim of H1N1 reportedly 'cured'..Do they really cured in a sense of not getting any other infection?How about the rest of H2N2, H3N4 and the list goes on...

This is a very good article you should read...Are we ignoring H2N3?

Its a very nasty pandemic now in Malaysia, and still, we just sometimes ignore it...

Just dont let any of us regret in future...

Please read this as well..


CJane said...

Now that you mentioned it, macam scary pulak to go out suddenly... :(

TataJane said...

Memang bikin takut nih..I always feel like the virus want to melekat2 on me whenever i go out :P

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