Showing posts with label vocab. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vocab. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Embracing 'Ex-Stock'

I'm having a casual chat with a friend, and out of the blue, he throws this question at me: "Can I refill my detergents this week?" Now, here's the kicker – I happen to run a little side gig: a detergent refill station. It's my small way of contributing to the battle against plastic waste, one refill at a time.

Anyway, back to the convo. He drops this term on me: "ex-stock." And I'm sitting there, scratching my head, wondering if it's some kind of secret code. 

So, being the curious soul that I am, I ask him to break it down for me. Turns out, it's just a fancy way of saying "available immediately."

I know, I know – not exactly the most mind-blowing revelation. But hey, you've gotta celebrate the little victories, right? So here I am, geeking out over my newfound vocab: ex-stock. 

Who knew learning could be this thrilling? 😄

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