Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This pregnancy and my skin become all dry..

When some people says during pregnancy you'll glow and the skin will be softer, plumper and beautiful. Well not everything is a myth, but it's all depend on the person. For me my skin become dry and i sometimes feel like an alligator :(

Now in my 15 weeks, my baby bump become obvious. I am now having problem putting lotion on my leg..It's quite hard to bend haha..i have to sit down and take my leg up so i can put the lotion on. 

How do i prevent or at least minimize the dry skin? Based on some reading i found out that:

1.  Warm but not hot.
Having frequent hot shower / bath will take away the moist on the skin. So avoid it. Try to just lukewarm water. Our skin is not like a sponge (the more it on water the more it absorb), no. Hot water will strip your skin from its natural oil barrier.

2. Avoid alcohol contained cleanser.
Alcohol can make your skin dryer. If can wash with soapless cleanser.

3. Cover up
Never never go out without sunblock. Me myself i use at least SPF30.  Use any sunscreen product suits you.

Well there you go, 3 tips but at least some idea rite :)


Monday, April 7, 2014

No juicing during pregnancy?

Yes of course you can!

 During my first trimester i have a very very i mean very bad all day sickness. I lost 5kgs just in 3 months. I would be so happy loosing weight if i'm not pregnant :D .

I really need to get all the nutrient i can get for my baby, but i can't barely eat anything. So i decided to drink lot and lots of juice to gain nutrient. Of course with meal too. During pregnancy you cannot do juice diet! No no and no. Detoxing by juice diet will harm your baby, since you will flush the toxin through your bloodstream and end up you pump it to your baby. So again NO, drink juice but eat your meal.

Here is one juice that i really love.

1. Cucumber
2. Carrot
3. Celery

Blend it all together and drink immediately. It's yummy!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Back running

It had been (and still) a hard weeks for me for the first trimester.. 8 weeks and having bad morning and evening sickness.. I tried to keep my daily as normal as possible, but it's quite challenging.

I feel tired all the time , vomiting and headache. I miss running. I miss being outside and sweating. i decide that all this morning evening sickness must end. I must push myself and start workout again. Of course it gonna be very very slow and i think i will just do my power walk today, see how it goes. Hope i can slowly gain back my energy and stamina. While baby still very fragile, i know my priority..

The more active and fit you are during pregnancy, the easier it will be for you to adapt to your changing shape and weight gain. It will also help you to cope with labour and get back into shape after the birth.

Ah.. can't wait for the clock to hit 5.30 :)
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