Friday, June 21, 2024

A timeline

We need to set a timeline for everything we do. From sleeping to waking up, we need a schedule. 

Life itself is a timeline.The only thing we don't know is when the deadline will be. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

10 commandments of Coding


1. Thou shalt comment thy code: Always add comments to explain your code. Future you (or others) will thank you for the clarity.

2. Thou shalt use meaningful names: Choose descriptive names for variables, functions, and classes. Clarity is key to understanding code.

3. Thou shalt format thy code properly: Consistently indent code, use proper spacing, and follow a consistent coding style. It makes code easier to read and maintain.

4. Thou shalt test thy code: Write tests to verify that your code works as expected. Don't rely solely on hope or luck.

5. Thou shalt handle errors gracefully: Anticipate and handle errors in your code. Don't let unexpected situations crash your program.

6. Thou shalt not repeat thyself (DRY): Avoid duplicating code. Instead, use functions, classes, or libraries to reuse code and keep it maintainable.

7. Thou shalt strive for simplicity: Keep your code simple and straightforward. Complexity breeds bugs and confusion.

8. Thou shalt follow best practices: Stay updated on coding best practices and industry standards. Continuous learning is key to improvement.

9. Thou shalt respect thy fellow coders: Be considerate of others who may read or work on your code. Write code that's easy for others to understand and contribute to.

10. Thou shalt refactor thy code: Regularly review and improve your code. Refactoring keeps codebase clean, efficient, and adaptable to change.

Friday, May 17, 2024


Discipline is key if you're looking to stick to your goals. It involves waking up every day to complete the tasks, regardless of whether you are feeling the best or not. One such activity is blogging (i set my goal on this!); it might sound like an easy thing to do, but it makes a lot of difference in the long run.

To begin with, set clear goals. Ensure that you understand where you are going. Then, divide these intentions into smaller daily activities. Each day can consist of writing a blog post. And even if it is not perfect, still, it is a step in the right direction.

You will need daily discipline that is for guiding you on the right path every morning, though not every day may start off well. Some days you may feel tired or busy to the point of not being able to write but still you do this as first step.

It's about showing up everyday - no matter what. No matter how short the time you spend on it, how imperfect it is.

So....once we set our GOAL let's COMMIT. Keep pushing forward one step at a time!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Time Management 101: Prioritize What Matters Most

Does it ever feel like time is slipping through your fingers and leaves you puzzled at where it all went? Do you find yourself in a place where you regret the loss of hours due to so many distractions around?

Hey, join the club. It's a common struggle for many of us, myself included.

Admittedly, there are so many ways and life-hacks out there to manage our time properly. But now, let's just get real, not all of them fit everyone like a glove. So, let's start easy, fix your biggest time-wasting habits.

What about Netflix? We've all been there - watching for three hours straight. It comes down to this: confine yourself to only one hour and if this is something you can't accomplish, then it may be time to eliminate Netflix from your life.

You will be delighted what 30 hours a month can do to your productivity. Extra 30 hours! Imagine that.

And social media scrolling. We've all been in that situation where it seems like minutes turn into hours before we realize it, and that's when regret begins to kick in. Set a timer for twenty minutes and then return to the work. There are apps for instance, that are designed to help you in the process of getting your life back on track.

A the end of the day - it boils down to what matters most. Is Netflix weaker than financially managing your life? Does wasting time on endless scrolling for no good reason outweigh the benefits of your productivity?

Finally, the decision is ours to make. It is about the act of taking control of our time and setting priorities for what we really need. So, what'll it be?

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