Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day off just to clean the house

What a day!

I am taking a day off just to clean the house! yea...you got it right! My house is a mess! And it makes me so very uncomfortable and feel sick! This weekend i will go tioman for a weekend gateway, and i really hate it when i come back from beautiful holiday just to see a house full of mess..

but yea, its just a day off but with still lots of calls from my clients asking this, complain this wanting that! Argh, and my cleaning project always interrupted with emails, phone calls and online support! Here i am, almost 6, waiting for the wet floor to dry and i will start with the kitchen.The stove so dirty with oil everywhere, the floor so very sticky i cant even dare to go in without slipper and ..ah...i don't have to describe all here...

 Its a never ending task when im at home. So much things to clean, to arrange to wash. I even cannot realize the hours i spend doing it. And i wish i could have 1 week day off just to complete my cleaning projects.

Oh and i just realize the IKEA table i bought only few months back, its already have some dirty black scratches..eww...Hmm look like IKEA brand not that fantastic anyway..Easily scratched and ...No offend IKEA :)...

So okay, look like i have to start doing the kitchen! God give me strength!

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