Showing posts with label My Thought. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Thought. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Judge not...

.....How many times in our lives, had we known with certainty that something happened in a certain way, only to discover later that it wasn't true? How many times has our lack of trust within us made us judge other people unfairly with our conceited ideas, often far awayfrom reality. That is why we have to think twice before we judge others.Let's always give others the benefit of the doubt before we think badly of them....

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

Happy mothers Day..

To all Mummy I have in my life..Just want you to know, I love you, and will always be in love with you all.

Mumy Manda, Mumy Dido, Mumy Joy, and Auntie Moon..Always remember that I love all of you so very much, and there’s never a day I will say I wont deeply in love with you all. I grew up in front of all of you, each and every one of you give me your full love, for me to be the person I am now. Thanks to all the loves, the never-ending love from all of you.

Moms, a great thing that ever happen in my life is knowing that I have so much love from people I love. I just hope I can be a great mom like you all someday.

Moms, you are my superwoman.

Lots of luvs…

Thursday, April 19, 2007

mummy says....

Take your plate into the kitchen,please.
Take it downstairs when you go
Is this yours?
Don't hit your brother
I'm talking to you
Just a minute,please,can't you see i'm talking?
i said don't interrupt
Did you brush your teeth?
Take this, it's good for your.
What are you doing out of bed?
what do you mean, there's nothing to do?
Get off the phone.
Tell your friend you'll call her back.Right now!
Take a jacket.Take a sweater.
Do you realize you could kill someone?
Hurry up.Everyone is waiting..Hurry Up!!
i mean it!
I said , stop it!
That's it.We're going home.
Give me a kiss.
I need a hug.
Set the table. I need you to set the table!
You don't get always get what you want .That's life.
Don't argue with me.I'm not discussing it anymore.Go to your room!
Stop yelling.If you want to ask me something,come here. STOP YELLING!
I'll think about it. Not now.
Ask your father.
We'll see.
Calm down and start over.
Don't you think your pants is too short?
You are not going out with that shirt..go change!
Out?which friend?where?when?how long?why? ..Home before 6 oclock.
Don't you think you are too young for that?
When will you finaly realize that you a a big girl already?
Young lady don't laugh that way.
Do not stare!
When i say no, i mean it.Do i make myself clear?
Girl don't mix with boys too much!!
you need some punishment young lady!
im sorry that's the sorry that's the sorry that's the rule.....

Somehow miss them :D

Monday, April 9, 2007

So close yet so far

Sometimes we should know when to walk away, when to give up hope and when not to turn back again.

It’s when all the attempt fail. When you’ve try very hard to win it, but silence and stiffness had played a great role.

When all conversation rejected, you know where you should stand.

When you try to smile, and all you get is a lazy look.

And finally, when you finally realize ‘so close yet so far ..’ is true…


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Time to Kill..

Most of us live running behind time, and we only stop when we die in heart attack or high blood even in a car accident rushing over time. We never want to stop and try to THINK, at least THINK for a second on what is really going on around us. Slow down the movement and try to put a smile on the face at least once in a while.

We are so anxious to know whats in the future until we tend to forget whats in the present, and NEVER looked back on past which sometimes can help to fix some mistakes we be apt to repeat and repeat over time.

Complaining on having not enough time is one of THE MOST favourite words. We all have equal time given for a day. No one have more or less. It depends on how we use it, how we trusted our time into putting our life in hell or heaven. And its all about TIME to create so many problems, so many questions and curiosity.

“A life is lived in an instant”

Life is not all about trying to show how we success in our career, but a little bit of humanity, love and the life itself. Sometimes we always want to talk, don’t want to stop and try to listen. STOP and LISTEN. Learn to know people beside you, learn to recognize the smile, and learn to memorize the voice. But how many people can do that? How many of us who can really STOP and LISTEN? No one. No one at all.

Life is complicated if we see it that way. Well, I think if we see the simplicity from the complicated, we can see it right there, just an everyday thing for us to deal with. Some people say LIFE IS A JOURNEY, yes, indeed, a long one. What we found on the journey is to add the beauty of it. Isn’t it a human nature to love beauty? But why for all these while, we are rejecting the beauty of life?

‘Sorry sweetie, I don’t have time, other day..?’..or ‘In hurry..!’ is like a food to most life. A promise that will never be fulfilled because time won’t allow? Hate, anger and disappointment linger, and forgiveness vanished. How many tears drop from a daughter eyes knowing she cannot buy her father time? Too luxurious too expensive.
How many night a daughter cannot sleep when she want her father to see her once in a lifetime graduation day, when all she had for an answer is, ‘little girl, daddy cannot make it, time is too harsh here.’

Time kills life. When it don’t even started.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

too little too late?

Life is like a total stranger to me now. I wouldn’t know where should I go and where I am heading to. It getting awkward everyday and I am starting to wonder, where and how it would be ending.

I just try to make my life into its fullest. I’m not asking too much in my life, just some smiles, love and happiness. Hmmmm..too much?

I place myself into something I am not sure of, and it kills me inside to know that it’s not really that wroth, when suddenly fact knocks me to my foot. Again, I swallow the reality and put aside the strange feeling, pretend to be normal, and keep on living.

It’s kinda strange and hard for me, but, who am I to decide. I have to change the little girl inside me to a sturdy being, who can take everything, who can decide with confidence, who will never shed a tear for a small thing.

But... I still hope it is me…i really wish..

Where should I begin?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

which one is which..?

Love is stronger than pride?
Pride Is Stronger than Love?

Planning Ahead

I check my email this morning...My cousin send me this..Well, something good for me to start my life today...Lets share it..
Some people are planners.
They like thinking ahead and being prepared.
They get a high from being on top of things.

But some things are beyond planning.
And life doesn't always turn out as planned.

You don't plan for a broken heart.
You don't plan for a failed business venture.
You don't plan for an autistic child.
You don't plan for spinsterhood.
You don't plan for a lump in your breast.

You plan to be young forever.
You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
You plan to be rich and powerful.
You plan to be acclaimed and successful.
You plan to conquer the universe.
You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.

You don't plan to be sad or hurt.
You don't plan to be broke or betrayed.
You don't plan to be alone in this world.
You don't plan to be shattered.

You plan to be happy.
Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want.
But most times, what you want and what you get are not the same.

We, mortals, plan.
But so does God in the heavens.

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand God's plans especially when
His plans are not in consonance with ours. Often, when God sends us
crisis, we turn to Him in anger. True, we cannot choose the cross
that God wishes us to carry, but we can carry that cross with
courage knowing that God will never abandon us nor send something we
cannot cope with.

Sometimes, God breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, God sends us pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, God sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes God sends us illness so we can take better
care of ourselves.
Sometimes, God takes everything away from us
so we can learn the value of everything He gave us.

Monday, March 5, 2007

I start to hate

it's Beckham wid "What do u think when u think about red....."

wooo...feel like my eardrum want to explode whenever i listen to that..HATE IT!!! For no reason..

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A simple Question

Some simple question to start a conversation can be a starting of a real rejection.

Me : Why?
A: Because....
Me: U mean?
A: 'A statement and a full stop!'
Me: haha..oowh..ok. (well what else can i say)

And thats it...its mean 'I dont wanna talk to you'.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007


"Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return."

Ash Wednesday..

Went to church last nite, celebrate the Ash Wednesday. Well, believe or not, im really taken into the mass for the whole 40 minutes. It feel so good, being there with my empty mind, dun have to think about what else to do after finish this, will they like it, how much time do I have to accomplish…

I was just there, deeply peaceful.

Well brought up in a strict Catholic family, affect me in my life now. Ummm..well, im not really A GOOD person, but I still have my strong faith in Him. Escaping Church is what I always do. A lot of reasons will I give not to attend Sunday mass. BAD isn’t it?

But, I always believe that appearance, or how we conduct our life is not WHAT is deep inside us. I believe even a murderer or a drug addict or a gangster still has a good value in their heart. I am not talking ALL of them, but mebbe some of them..

A life never promises me a good ending.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Notting Hills...

Don't forget. I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy...asking him to love her.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Everybody will say, life is a sharing...Yes, thats my definition of my life..

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Time is spinnin' very fast and leave me nothing to keep as a good so called memory. New year, new life, new circumstance and new hope??

Some thing are better left unspoken, that’s what I think. But it will really kill you deep inside and change the way you are. It change your faith, and the way you live your life..well at least it yaaa, it affect me that way.

I had drawn myself into strict timeline for me to go on with my life. And I wont let anything to hold me back for what I want , and what I planned to do. I only give certain thing a chance, and if it hurt me, I will forever let it go. I cant take a risk to fool myself for years and years just to be a so called sweety-doodie, and wasting my time.

I have enough. And it getting weird everyday, and I have no answer for what happen. So I don’t wanna give any damn care anymore.

Peace be with you..:)

Friday, January 26, 2007

I Tell You in Soundless Voice

...And for one day you would listen,
smile to me..
I'm here,
where you can always find me..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Too good to be true...

~Someone remembers, someone cares
Someone name is whispered in someone’s prayers ~

Friday, January 19, 2007


I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or even smile at me because I know, even if its just for a second, that I've crossed your mind.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Life isnt as easy as it seem to be..

When Things Are Beyond your control , here's something that you must NOT DO so as to avoid misery in your life:

You must not decide how you think the world SHOULD be.
You must not make rules for how everyone SHOULD behave.
Then, when the world doesn't obey your rules, you get angry!
That's what miserable people do!
On the other hand, let's say you expect that:Friends SHOULD return favours.
People SHOULD appreciate you.
Planes SHOULD arrive on time.
Everyone SHOULD be honest.
Your husband or best friend SHOULD remember your birthday.

These expectations may sound reasonable. But often, thesethings won't happen!
So you end up frustrated and disappointed.

There's a better strategy.

Demand less, and instead, have preferences!

For things that are beyond your control, tell yourself:"I WOULD PREFER "A", BUT IF "B" HAPPENS, IT'S OK TOO!"

This is really a change in mindset. It is a shift in attitude, and itgives you more peace of mind ...

You prefer that people are polite ... but when they are rude, it doesn'truin your day.
You prefer sunshine ... but if it rains, it is ok too!

To become happier, we either need to

a) Change the world, or
b) Change our thinking.

It is easier to change our Thinking!

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Her Mother

Little things are indeed little, but to be faithful in little things is a great thing.
-Mother Theresa-
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