Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What is actually in my mind..

I am a programmer or some people call it system developer. My work is to do the thinking other people don't want to do- that's what i do for a living. I think.

I like to think and do calculation and making logic. My judgement is only based on math and logic and structure. If the math is correct, does it logic? If its logic will it provide a good structure for the foundation?
When all lead to YES, then i will start typing my codes, hundreds and thousands of lines, to build one perfect system for the client.

When i work, i love quite uninterrupted place. Where i can do all the math inside my brain before my fingers start moving typing the codes. When the logic become hard, my brain work really hard and i will be easily annoyed even with simple not-so-funny conversation.

Programmers is not weird person, they just being themselves, thinking and structuring. Well at least they are more realistic than some people who converse a lot or very loud but well an empty can. Not all, some people can be very loud but they have the brain or at least vision in life.

I might be very quiet ( sometimes ), that is when i analyzing new people or people i don't really know. I prefer to absorb all the talking rather than do the talking. Sometimes i just laugh at some stupid boasting talk some people will do to impress other people. Gosh, maybe the saying "It's better to keep silent and be thought as a fool , than to speak and remove all doubt" is indeed true :)

So when some people very quiet, don't simply judge them by saying they have the cruelest mind or cold or stupid or do not mingle or whatever negative judgment you have in mind. before you put any judgment on other person, make sure you are perfect. If not, you just another dog who bark the loudest but doesn't bite. After all action is better than just mere talking rite? :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

September ends..

..and it's almost Christmas :)

Well this year had marked lots of interesting phase in my life some good some sad but most of it happy :)
And yes, i finally turned 30 this August, and i can put my 'oh-im-30-okey' face on me when i go for a meeting with clients.he he :P

They say 30s is the new 20s- depends how we see it. Am i still living like in my 20s? Hmm maybe some..yea? Well in my 20s i love posting about how i feel cool partying or live like New York's girl but now, i don't like to tell people about my life anymore. I mean, i wanted it to be private and have a real life, instead of boasting here and there in my blog or Facebook on something i didn't really have.

But maybe i can say i am wiser? ha ha i allowed to say that? :D
Life is different in my 20s where i'm kind of still searching for something that i wanted to do or to be in my life. And somehow i have to put and end of it, i have to decide(or gamble) on whatever decision i need to do - to move on with my life. Career, family and relationship - all checked :)

And finally i married my best friend :). A very simple yet sweet wedding like i wanted it to be. Looking forward for lovely 2014 to give more blessing in my life journey because i love every bit of it!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Don't ask if you don't need answer

Yes just don't...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hello June

I wish I am a poet to say beautiful Hello to June..but i'm not.. I'm just a simple lady with not so much beautiful word to offer. Yet i wish i could..

Hello June..It's midyear and to re-check the'what-had-I-achieved' list is just a terrible idea..ha ha..Fuh, well so much to do eh..I've said this thousand times but still, my list-to-do still appear the same. Nothing completed nothing wearing the big DONE mark. Ouch.

So here I am complaining so much things not done, and im still staring at this blog. Ha ha. bah okey, lets check some lists!

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