Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cloth Diaper stater kit

So you are new parent and don't know how to start with Cloth Diaper (CD) . Yes, i was in your shoes before, totally have no idea on what CD is.

Here in Sabah ( Malaysia,Borneo), buying CD is quite expensive, especially the branded one.  So if you are not sure whether you like cloth diapering or not, you can try these tips:

1. Buy 4 sets of CD first.
Most parents fail with  this one. They tend to buy dozens of CDs and end up not using them. For a starter, you can actually use 4 sets of CDs, so you can decide if it's your thing or not. Of course you will have to wash it daily with just 4 sets, but it will really train you on using CD rite :)

2. Do not buy all the accessories - just yet.
When you are still in decision phase, just use the basic. No need all accessories like they put it on ads. Yes, they helps a lot, but only when you are fully on CD. Remember to just go with the basic.

3. For new born, please use the right size.
Right size for your baby is crucial. Most parents will hate cloth diapering because the size. Yes, size does matter. Use NB size for newborn, or else the urine will end up on your baby mattress, and you will hate Cloth Diaper forever :D.

In Sabah, there a few stores you can visit to buy your starter kit. You can try . They are located at Kota Kinabalu Sabah, and selling baby stuffs including Cloth Diaper.

I share the costs of my CDs i brought here.

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