It had been quite sometime since I update something here. I am not actually that busy, maybe I am just lazy? :P
I am currently doing some projects which will take one or two years to complete. Indeed, a good thing for the world’s economy (hehe) but I will again, have my sleepless nights and the stress mode will be switching on again..
It’s already July, too fast. I can’t even remember if I had achieve something this year..ha ha..Too fast..way too month will be August and the ‘ber’ will start, which mean it’s already end of the year!
Well at least I had finally completed my retirement saving plan. Investing few thousand of my retirement saving to make the $$ grow..And yes, I am being very careful, reading through the T&C on the papers before putting my thumb prints on it J. Hope when I reach 50, I will have more than enough money to go around the world! Well no one will work so hard but gain nothing eventually rite J.
Oh and I am starting to run again! Wah I am so happy when I can run 600m without have to stop here and there! Yay!
Okay need to continue doing my system :P
Uhuu! So nice you are able to run smoothly again :) I wish I can do that...yay! good on you for saving up those bucks for retirement!
lol sa nga mo menabung lah ni.. hahhaha ukah om soira tih
Hahaha, sama la kita ni tata.. Sia pun baru mo start "running" balik after almost 5 year retired..hihihi
Haiya, me still trying to save up to invest for my retirement..
Verone- wah buli tu after u fully recover! :)
Gurit- Silakan..Sdh la ko tu lmbt start kwsp..eheuu..hahah
haryati- yess! we can do it! I am joining the SuteraHarbour 7K run..heheh...
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