Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Embracing 'Ex-Stock'

I'm having a casual chat with a friend, and out of the blue, he throws this question at me: "Can I refill my detergents this week?" Now, here's the kicker – I happen to run a little side gig: a detergent refill station. It's my small way of contributing to the battle against plastic waste, one refill at a time.

Anyway, back to the convo. He drops this term on me: "ex-stock." And I'm sitting there, scratching my head, wondering if it's some kind of secret code. 

So, being the curious soul that I am, I ask him to break it down for me. Turns out, it's just a fancy way of saying "available immediately."

I know, I know – not exactly the most mind-blowing revelation. But hey, you've gotta celebrate the little victories, right? So here I am, geeking out over my newfound vocab: ex-stock. 

Who knew learning could be this thrilling? 😄

Monday, May 13, 2024

Reclaiming Time: Embracing the Write Way Forward

 Isn't it crazy how time just slips through our fingers? One moment we're making plans, and the next, it's a whole new month staring us in the face. But hey, that's life, right?

Lately, I've been doing some serious soul-searching. You know, the kind where you ask yourself the big questions. And one thing I've realized is how often I've used the excuse of being "too busy." But let's be real, is it really about being busy, or is it just a fancy way of saying I've been slacking? Procrastinating.

Well, no more of that for me. It's time to shake off the dust and get back to writing. And what better way to reconnect with my own self by sharing a piece of my world a few times a week?

So, here's the plan: I'm making a commitment to write three times a week. Short, sweet, and straight from the heart. (So help me God!)

Till tommorow!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Hello there my blog!

Ah, December 2023, and guess what? I rediscovered this little blog of mine.

Can you believe it's been ages since I last showed it some love? Time really does fly – a good 18 years of blogging, to be exact.

Looking ahead to 2024, I've made a pact with myself: more writing, more reading. It's time to dust off those soft skills of mine and make each day count.

Here's to enjoying every moment life throws my way. Cheers to a new chapter!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cloth Diaper stater kit

So you are new parent and don't know how to start with Cloth Diaper (CD) . Yes, i was in your shoes before, totally have no idea on what CD is.

Here in Sabah ( Malaysia,Borneo), buying CD is quite expensive, especially the branded one.  So if you are not sure whether you like cloth diapering or not, you can try these tips:

1. Buy 4 sets of CD first.
Most parents fail with  this one. They tend to buy dozens of CDs and end up not using them. For a starter, you can actually use 4 sets of CDs, so you can decide if it's your thing or not. Of course you will have to wash it daily with just 4 sets, but it will really train you on using CD rite :)

2. Do not buy all the accessories - just yet.
When you are still in decision phase, just use the basic. No need all accessories like they put it on ads. Yes, they helps a lot, but only when you are fully on CD. Remember to just go with the basic.

3. For new born, please use the right size.
Right size for your baby is crucial. Most parents will hate cloth diapering because the size. Yes, size does matter. Use NB size for newborn, or else the urine will end up on your baby mattress, and you will hate Cloth Diaper forever :D.

In Sabah, there a few stores you can visit to buy your starter kit. You can try www.facebook.com/babypeeka . They are located at Kota Kinabalu Sabah, and selling baby stuffs including Cloth Diaper.

I share the costs of my CDs i brought here.

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